A downloadable DLC

Buy Now$3.99 USD or more

Steam Key for Galactic Detour DLC is included with a purchase

The Galactic Detour DLC can also be bought as part of the Midnight Ride - Season Pass


Serena ended up all alone in the middle of nowhere... in the dead of the night.
She just wants to get home. But home just got a whole lot further away...


There are stranger things out there than rogue cops and frisky swingers... The wrong choice puts Serena into another galaxy of problems altogether. Can she still find her way home, and should she trust anything or anyone she sees.


Lost in space and trying to escape, your decisions guide Serena's choices as to who or what to put her trust in, each choice having its own risks, rewards and endings.
With 5 different additional endings and almost 500 brand new renders the Galactic Detour DLC brings 4 brand new paths to the original base game content.


  • You can replay any path and decision you discovered by selecting it on the Roadmap in the Extras menu.
  • Visit the Gallery in the Extras menu to check out all the scenes you unlocked during your gameplay. Can you find them all?
  • The text speed and auto delay can be adjusted in the Settings menu.
  • Use the Skip/Auto button in-game to automatically advance the dialogue without clicking each time or hold down CTRL for the same effect.


The Midnight Ride Base Game is required in order for the Galactic Detour DLC to work!

How to Install DLC

In the Base Game go to: Main Menu -> Extras -> DLC -> Import

All digital characters depicted in this game are 18+

Steam Key für Galaktischer Umweg DLC ist beim Kauf inkludiert.

Das Galaktischer Umweg DLC kann auch als Teil des Midnight Ride - Season Pass gekauft werden.


Serena ist nachts ganz alleine irgendwo im Nirgendwo gestrandet.
Sie will es einfach nur nach Hause schaffen, aber dieses Ziel ist nun Lichtjahre entfernt...


Es gibt da draußen noch viel merkwürdigere Dinge als wilde Swinger und böse Cops... Ein falscher Schritt und Serena landet in einem ganz neuen Universum voller Probleme und Hindernissen. Wem kann sie vertrauen und wer wird ihr wirklich helfen, wieder nach Hause zu kommen?


Verloren im Weltall wird der Spielverlauf komplett von den jeweiligen Entscheidungen gesteuert. Serena kann auf ihrer Flucht wählen, wem sie vertraut und wem nicht, denn jedes Angebot kommt mit eigenen Risiken, Belohnungen und Endungen
Mit 5 neuen Enden und knapp 500 hochwertigen Bildern bringt das Galaktischer Umweg DLC 4 neue, spannende und heiße Routen.


  • Alle entdeckten Routen und Entscheidungsmöglichkeiten können über den Routenplan im Menü Extras wiederholt werden.
  • Das Album im Menü Extras zeigt die freigeschalteten Szenen. Schon alle gefunden?
  • Die Textgeschwindigkeit und automatische Verzögerung kann im Menü Optionen angepasst werden.
  • Mit der Skip/Auto Schaltfläche kann das Spiel automatisch fortlaufen ohne immer wieder klicken zu müssen. Die Taste STRG hat die gleiche Funktion.


Das Midnight Ride Grundspiel wird zum Spielen dieses DLC benötigt!

DLC Installieren

Im Spiel:
Hauptmenü -> Extras -> DLC -> Importieren

Alle dargestellten digitalen Personen sind  18+

Uma chave Steam para A DLC Desvio Galáctico está inclusa com a compra

A DLC Desvio Galáctico também pode ser comprada como parte do Midnight Ride - Passe de Temporada


Serena acabou sozinha no meio do nada... na calada da noite.
Ela só quer voltar para casa. Mas a casa ficou bem mais longe...


Existem coisas mais estranhas lá fora do que policiais desonestos e homens mau intencionados... A escolha errada coloca Serena em uma outra galáxia de problemas. Será que ela ainda consegue encontrar o caminho de casa? E ela pode confiar em qualquer um que encontrar?


Perdida no espaço e tentando escapar, suas decisões guiam as escolhas de Serena sobre em quem ou em que confiar, cada escolha tendo seus próprios riscos, recompensas e finais.
Com 5 finais adicionais diferentes e quase 500 novas imagens, a DLC do Desvio Galáctico traz 4 novos caminhos para o conteúdo original do jogo.


  • Você pode jogar novamente qualquer caminho descoberto selecionando-o no Mapa da Estrada, no menu de Extras.
  • Visite a Galeria no menu de Extras para verificar todas as cenas que você desbloqueou durante o jogo. Será que você pode achar todos eles?
  • A velocidade do texto e o atraso automático podem ser ajustados no menu Configurações.
  • Use o botão Skip / Auto no jogo para avançar automaticamente o diálogo sem precisar clicar todas as vezes ou mantenha pressionada a tecla CTRL para o mesmo efeito.


Midnight Ride Jogo Base é necessario para que a DLC Desvio Galáctico possa funcionar!

Como Instalar a DLC

No Jogo Base vá para: Menu Principal -> Extras -> DLC -> Importar

Todos os personagens digitais descritos neste jogo são maiores de 18 anos.

CategoryGame mod
Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars
(2 total ratings)
AuthorHorny NPC Games
GenreVisual Novel
Made withGameMaker
TagsAdult, Aliens, Female Protagonist, futanari, Lesbian, Multiple Endings, NSFW, Sci-fi
Average sessionAbout an hour
LanguagesGerman, English, Portuguese (Brazil)
InputsKeyboard, Mouse
LinksSteam, Steam


Buy Now$3.99 USD or more

In order to download this DLC you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $3.99 USD. Your purchase comes with a Steam key. You will get access to the following files:

MidnightRide_GalacticDetour_1.1.1.dlc 231 MB
Version 1.1.1

Development log


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Seems the same as the original game. To be safe, say no to EVERYTHING. The original game just tells you everyone on the road after midnight is a murderer or rapist. I just walked and walked and walked into the original, game, and I don't like the idea or being raped by aliens either. This could be why female leads in AVNs are few and far between!

So this game has futanari content. Okay, but can you tell me how the content is divided? So with 5 different endings, can you decide if you want to go for futanari or not?

Or does every path have a designated sexual tendency?

2 of those 5 endings are optional futanari routes which you can pick at some point in the DLC